We want to offer anyone, anywhere and anytime direct access to XL hybrid manufacturing
in a full cradle-to-cradle process.
Scope of Business
10XL has developed and built a proprietary hybrid production environment. We use this environment to deliver parts to our clients. Delivered parts include prototypes, moulds and functional products. Since most products need adaptions to benefit from 3D printing, we offer the best 3D consultancy and engineering services.






In a hurry to build a towing model? In need of a plug or mould? Ready to discuss customized functional parts? We know the maritime industry by heart.

3D Printing is the best answer for ultrafast production of mission specific equipment. We can build complex prototypes, moulds for tooling and large functional parts.

We believe furniture should be manufactured in a truly sustainable cradle-to-cradle process. That is wat we do, without compromises to functionality and aesthetics.
Your Market

Basically there are no limits to 3D printing. Not in size, nor purpose. We love all prints. Give us a call and we partner up to disrupt your market. XL style.
Production Environment
10XL combines additive and subtractive manufacturing into a single hybrid system.

3D printing technology is based on thermoplastics. 10XL uses both synthetic polymers as well as bio-based materials for printing. To improve the properties of the base polymer, we add fillers or additives. Glass, carbon, bamboo or stone fillers are used to strengthen your parts. Additives improve UV and chemical resistance, or function as heat stabilizers, antimicrobials and flame retardants.











Cradle to Cradle
William McDonough: “To eliminate the concept of waste means to design things- products, packaging, and systems- from the very beginning on the understanding that waste does not exist.”

Last Publications
Youtube, febuary 2021, making of the Sparc bridge by 10XL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R2ylvmVhbc
Cobouw, december 2020, langste 3D geprinte brug, https://www.cobouw.nl/innovatie/nieuws/2020/12/het-is-van-kunststof-komt-uit-de-printer-en-ligt-in-alphen-aan-den-rijn-rara-101291082
Youtube, september 2020, 10XL in Corona International Rebuild Program of Innovation Quarter
Dordt Onderneemt.tv, maart 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0ZGnJF5w8g
Jachtbouw Nederland, december 2019, Sloepje in een dag 3D-geprint Jachtbouw Nederland Sloep
Nederland Maakt het, november 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxFqibhi5pQ
Zakenvisie, September 2019, 3D Printing a small vessel from recycled shampoo bottles
Het Nederlands Dagblad, augustus 2019, een boot 3D printen in 24 uur https://www.nd.nl/nieuws/nederland/een-boot-printen-in-24-uur.3521549.lynkx
Dutch Design Awards, juni 2019, Gispen Sett CE sofa for which 10XL is 3D printing the frames with recycled plastic has won the Dutch Design Award 2019 https://www.gispen.com/nl/blog/dutch-design-award-sett-ce
BNR, 8 maart 2019 pitch https://twitter.com/search?q=10xl%20bnr&src=typd
Het Klokhuis, 18 februari 2019, De grootSTE 3D printer, https://www.hetklokhuis.nl/tv-uitzending/4013/Het%20Kantoor%2023
Het Klokhuis, 18 februari 2019, De grootSTE 3D printer, https://www.hetklokhuis.nl/tv-uitzending/4013/Het%20Kantoor%20238
10XL, 34ste plaats in de MKB Innovatie Top100 2018 https://www.mkbinnovatietop100.nl/site/10XL-een-reusachtige-3D-printer
De Telegraaf, 30 juli 2018, 3D printen op groot formaat https://www.telegraaf.nl/financieel/2315964/3-d-printen-op-groot-formaat
#even zitten. Naar aanleiding van het Startup in Residence programma van de Provincie Zuid-Holland gaat 10XL fietspadbanken 3D printen met gerecycled plastic! https://t.co/F655kzA00R
10XL, een van de drie genomineerden voor de ING circulair ondernemen prijs 2018! https://www.duurzamedinsdag.nl/Nieuws/ING-Circulair-ondernemenprijs-genomineerden?platform=hootsuite
NOS radio 1, augustus 2018, Duurzame bankjes via een 3D printer https://www.nporadio1.nl/nos-radio-1-journaal/onderwerpen/469254-duurzame-bankjes-via-een-3d-printer
Grootste 3D printer van Nederland staat in Dordt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_vpt2Nfj5k
YouTube, June 2018, 10XL 3D printed the organic void of Facing Gaia by Studio Daniel Libeskind exposed at Architecture Biennial Venice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVEe_2y0EN
Discover Benelux, May 2018, 10XL: next level 3D printing https://issuu.com/scanmagazine/docs/discoverbenelux_53_may_2018/28
3D printmagazine, februari 2018, 10XL integreert freesrobot in grote robot 3D printer https://3dprintmagazine.eu/10xl-integreert-freesrobot-in-grote-robot-3d-printer/
AD, 26 januari 2018, Dordtse start-up wil alles tien keer groter printen op het Leerpark! https://www.ad.nl/dordrecht/dordtse-start-up-wil-alles-tien-keer-groter-printen-op-het-leerpark~a5fc8044/
FPT Vimag, januari 2018, 10XL presenteert grootste 3D printer van Nederland https://www.fpt-vimag.nl/actueel/10xl-presenteert-grootste-3d-printer-van-nederland/
Hiswa te water, Boten met een verhaal https://www.hiswatewater.nl/over-de-beurs/activiteiten/laat-u-inspireren-door-de-boten-met-een-verhaal
Magazine Knack.be, maart 2018, 10XL cradle to cradle 3D-printing https://magazine.knack.be/roularta-makr-voor-abonnees/makr/epaper/MN/2018/02/m3Lvu8OVQfyknC%252BgcTVN%252BGldzYNlIbRPrRGW8zMmcnbUu2eYWa0yr9xChWTv4mar/PDF/5224912.PDF?urlPartDeterminingGroup=m-en-c
NRC, oktober 2017, 10XL geprinte scheeps-modellen en meer https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2017/10/21/geprinte-scheeps-modellen-en-meer-13532885-a1577889
Quote, augustus 2016, 10XL maakt scheepsmodellen en schepen met 3D-printer https://www.quotenet.nl/Nieuws/Kickstart-10XL-maakt-scheepsmodellen-en-schepen-met-3D-printer-183591